Sunday, December 2, 2012

"...Day and night the lonely stoner seems to free his mind..."

Day: no make-up, favourite snickers (again), comfy pants and warm scarf...

and then day turns to night: it's time to celebrate friends b-day.

 negative point: b-day girl is missing on the photos :/ 
 suma sumarum: it was great Saturday!
day: pants Zara old, snickers: Converse, jacket: Miss Sixty, shirt - Adidas, scarf - boyfriend's H&M, sunglasses: Accessorize old, bag: Benetton male old
night: shoes: Zara, tights: unknown, sorts: NewYorker, blouse: my design, jacket: Stradivarius old, necklace: H&M, bag: Accessorize, scarf: New Yorker