This year Victoria's Secret show took place in London. The show features some of the world's leading fashion models. The show featured musical performances by Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Hozier and Taylor Swift. For the first time there were not one but two fantasy bras, the Dream Angels Fantasy Bras. They're worn by Alessandra Ambrosio (her 2nd) and Adriana Lima (her 3rd) and worth US$2,000,000 each.
Show as always incredible, my favorite segment is Fairy Tale, but I chose the four best looks from each segment, so enjoy!
P.S. Wings just fabulous ♥
Gilded Angels
Behati Prinsloo & Candice Swanepoel
Lily Donaldson & Cindy Bruna
Dream Girls
Lily Aldridge & Sara Sampaio
Exotic Traveler
Adriana Lima & Alessandra Ambrosio
Lais Ribeiro & Shanina Shaik
University of PINK
Fairy Tale
Candice Swanepoel & Behati Prinsloo
Barbara Fialho & Jasmine TookesAngel Ball
Adriana Lima & Maria Borges
Candice Swanepoel & Behati Prinsloo More on: