Friday, October 5, 2012


Jedna koja zna sa decom i druga koja zna sa odraslima – dve koje znaju jedna s drugom - pisace ovaj blog. Iz ovog i onog ugla, od gore i od dole, kroz ljubicaste naocare, sa dioptrijom i bez, ali uvek sa osmehom na licu i vetrom u kovrdzama. Sklapacemo stare stvari sa novim, homemade i home cooked, sa ulice, sa sela, iz grada, odavde i odande, jer novac ne moze da kupi ni stil ni ukus, ali moze “Singericu” i kilograme materijala. Podelicemo i sta se jelo i sta se pilo, sta se mastalo i sta se ostvarilo, kako se sanja, kako se voli, gde se putuje i kojim putem se ide do zvezda. Citajte, volite, delite, pitajte, uzivajte.
od srca

One that knows with children and one that knows with grownups – two who know how to deal with each other – will be writing this blog. From this and that angle, from the bottom and from above, through pink glasses and always with smile on our faces and wind in our curls. We will mix old stuff with new ones, homemade and home cooked, from the street, from the village, from the city, from here and there, because money can’t buy neither style nor taste, but it can buy you “Singer”and kilos of fabrics. We will share what we’ve been eating, drinking, what we’ve been dreaming and what came through, how to dream, how to love, how to travel and what is the road to stars. Read it, like it, share it, ask about it, enjoy it.
from the heartS