Ovaj štrikani kaput sam dobila od jedne bake pre par godina i od tada mi je omiljeni zimski odevni predmet. Boja je takva da se kombinuje uz sve, a najvažnije je što je topao :) Inače,veoma je težak, jer je pletivo debelo.
This knitted coat I got from one old lady a few years ago and since then this is my favorite winter clothing item. Color is easy to combine.
Btw, it is pretty heavy because of its thick knit.:)
Coat, belt and scarf - vintage
Shoes - New Yorker
Jeans - Zara
Ring - P.S.
Ako imate baku koja zna da štrika, uposlite je :)
Evo par ideja...
If you have a granny who knows how to knit, employ her :)
Here are few ideas..