Bringing together the worlds of fashion, art and film in a whirlwind of delicate chic beauty. Created by photographer/director duo Inez and Vinoodh, this short film showcases the stunning model Arizona Muse indulging in some very luxurious style eye candy. Called L'invitation Au Voyage, the mysterious Arizona is running through the corridors of The Louvre, passing the incredible works of art and the Mona Lisa with an eye-contact and running throughout the rest of the museum's iconic corridors. She has a key-pendant for a piece of the Louis Vuitton luggage. The luggage contains a envelope, which she takes in her hand and ran of to a red and white striped hot-air balloon. And off she goes. A new episode will be released in 2013.Watch the short film below and let your mind wander in the beautiful Paris setting.
- victoriasecret-fashionshow Cusman
- victoriasecret-fashionshow Cusman