Ovaj kaput sam sašila prošle zime,u 8.mesecu trudnoće, i mislila sam da ću izgledati ogromno u njemu bez sužavanja, ali sam to rešila kaišem koji odlično ide uz njega. Osvežila sam ga i kamenčićima koje sam našila na kragnu.
Pitate se zašto čokolada u ovom postu?! Ona je, definitivno,obeležila jučerašnji dan i to u 'overdoze' količinama :D
This coat I've made last winter, while I was 8 months pregnant and i thought I'll look huge in it without resizing it, but I've solved that doubt with belt- that goes excellent with it. I've,also, refreshed it with small stones on collar.
You might wonder what the chocolate is doing here?! It, definately, marked the day yesterday and in overdose quantities.
Coat - my design
Hat - H&M
Belt - Zara
Dark jeans - Zara
Over the knee boots- Bata
Long leather gloves - No name