Friday, December 21, 2012

Combat Boots Trend!

Countdown to Christmas #11!
Combat boots are really in trend now, and I have a feeling that it is a trend that won't be going away any time soon. They come in a variety of colors and styles, one that can fit almost any style. You can buy combat boots at Nordstrom or almost any department store. You could also go for a lower price at Target or Payless.
Below are some examples of combat boots and styles that are trendy right now. The ones in the top row are my personal favorites and the second row is for those who want something a little more trendy and unique.

Here are some of the trends (shown by row)
  • Classic combat boot
  • Buckle detailing
  • Knit detailing. 
  • Patterned inside + foldover
  • Patterned
  • Detailed tip
I personally love the first row of boots the best. The classic combat boot is one that you can wear with any outfit. The buckle detailing adds a really cute twist to the classic combat boot. Lastly, the knit pocking out of the boot just looks so cute!

What's your favorite (combat) boot?

I hope this helped!
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Thank you!