Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DJ Sunnery James on the first of Cover of Grazia Man!

The Dutch DJ Sunnery James is featured on the first ever cover of  'Grazia Man.
Yesterday was the unveiling of the cover in Amsterdam. 
'Grazia Man' will appear twice a year, besides the Netherlands, Australia also has a special edition just for men.
''I'm a music lover. It's great enough that I've come so far with spinning records. But being a covermodel is the hardest thing I've done so far.'' said Sunnery about his first cover.
He has gained more respect for his wife, dutch Supermodel, Doutzen Kroes.
Take a look at the cover above.
The first edition of 'Grazia Man' will be available in stores on the 19th of March.

- Samiya Cusman

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