Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Outfit + DIY project

Samo da vas pozdravi sa jednim kratkim  postom! Kiša je kriva što nema više fotki :)
Just to say "Hello" with one short post! It is rains fault that there are no more photos :).

DIY projekat : potreban vam je korset, nitne i prsti :)
Ja sam upotrebila svoj stari Zarin jeans korset. A nitne sam dobila od drugarice koja ih je skinula sa kaiša. Već sam ih letos stavljala na moj jeans šorts (tako da sam  imala dupli posao skidanja i stavljanja :))

DIY project: you need corset, studs and fingers :)
I've used my old Zara jeans corset and studs I've got from a friend of mine - she took it off of belt. I've used them last summer for my jeans shorts (meaning I had double work to do, taking them off and putting them on :)).